Modern living indulged us in various comforts we have grown accustomed to. Gone were the days when we made an effort in living. Today, we are merely existing (or perhaps more aptly subsisting). Aside from modern gadgets that keep us entertained 24/7, one of the things we have likewise sacrificed is a healthy meal. Eating healthy home-cooked dishes are often reserved for occasions and they are far in between. We now survive on fastfood, junks, sweets, preserved and canned foods that lack nutritional value and may even be dangerous to our health.
Can you imagine what the food you now eat does to your body if they are heavily laden with grease, sugar, or additives you are totally clueless of? And now, we are taken aback by how rampant cancer is when we no longer nourish our bodies but simply sustain it. And not only are most foods cancerous …